Private Wireless Services
Connect with Confidence

Private Wireless as a Service

At Clover IQ, we understand that having a reliable and secure wireless network is essential for the success of your business. That’s why we offer Private Wireless as a Service (PWaaS) to provide you with a dedicated, customized, and secure wireless network.

Our PWaaS Solution includes end-to-end network management, from design and implementation to ongoing maintenance and support. We use the latest technology and industry best practices to ensure that your network is always available and performing at its best.

Our PWaaS solution is ideal for businesses in the manufacturing, oil and gas, logistics and shipping, energy, utilities, and mining industries, as well as for campus and K12 environments. We can customize our PWaaS Solution to meet your unique requirements and provide the best possible connectivity for your business.

With our Private Wireless as a Service, you’ll enjoy faster and more reliable connectivity, improved security, and increased productivity across your organization. Our team of experts will work with you to design and deploy a wireless network that meets your specific needs, using the latest technology and industry best practices.

PWaaS Solutions

No Capital Investment

Private Wireless as a Service (PWaaS) is a new business model for wireless network infrastructure that allows organizations to access and use their own private wireless networks as a subscription-based service. In other words, PWaaS enables organizations to have their own dedicated wireless network without having to invest in building and maintaining it themselves. There is no capital investment requirements or long term contracts for the customer.

The service is provided by Clover IQ and we manage the network infrastructure and offer it as a service to the subscribing organization. Clover IQ handles all aspects of the network, including installation, management, and maintenance, as well as upgrades and updates to the network software and hardware.

Private Wireless
Private Wireless As A Service
Private Wireless as a Service

Key Benefits

    1. One of the main benefits of Private Wireless as a Service is that it enables organizations to have a dedicated wireless network without having to incur the high costs of building and maintaining it themselves. This is particularly beneficial for smaller organizations that do not have the resources to invest in their own network infrastructure, but still require a secure and reliable wireless network.
    2. Another advantage of PWaaS is that it offers greater flexibility and scalability compared to traditional network infrastructure. The service provider can easily add or remove network capacity to meet the changing needs of the subscribing organization, without the need for significant capital expenditures or lengthy implementation times.
    3. Private Wireless as a Service also provides enhanced security and privacy compared to public wireless networks. Since the network is dedicated to a single organization, the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches is greatly reduced. This is particularly important for industries that deal with sensitive data, such as healthcare and finance.
    4. Another benefit of PWaaS is that it offers advanced network analytics and reporting capabilities. The service provider can offer detailed insights into network performance and usage patterns, which can help organizations optimize their network resources and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, Private Wireless as a Service offers organizations a cost-effective, secure, and flexible way to access their own dedicated wireless networks. By leveraging the expertise Clover IQ, organizations can benefit from advanced network infrastructure without the need for significant capital investment or technical expertise. As PWaaS continues to gain popularity, it is likely that more organizations will look to this model to meet their wireless networking needs.

Are you ready?

Transform your business with Private Wireless as a Service. Upgrade your network efficiency - contact us today!

Private 5G Network
Stay Connected, Stay Ahead

LTE & Private 5G

Clover IQ specializes in deploying high-speed LTE and Private 5G networks on premises, providing your business with reliable and secure connectivity. With our expertise and experience, we can design and deploy a customized LTE or Private 5G network that meets your business needs, no matter the industry you’re in.

LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment

LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment refer to the installation of cellular network infrastructure directly on an organization’s premises, rather than relying on public cellular networks. This type of deployment is becoming increasingly popular as organizations seek to improve their network performance, security, and reliability.

LTE on Prem Deployment

LTE on Prem Deployment refers to the installation of LTE cellular network infrastructure on an organization’s premises. This allows the organization to have its own dedicated cellular network that is separate from public networks. This can provide several benefits, including increased network security, improved network performance, and reduced network congestion.

Private 5G on Prem Deployment

Private 5G on Prem Deployment refers to the installation of Private 5G cellular network infrastructure on an organization’s premises. This enables the organization to take advantage of the benefits of Private 5G technology, including faster network speeds, lower latency, and increased network capacity. By having their own dedicated Private 5G network, organizations can have more control over their network performance and can better support advanced applications such as IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality.

Why Clover IQ?

Latest Technology & Industry Best Practices

Our team of experts will assess your current infrastructure, design and deploy the network, and provide ongoing support and maintenance. Our LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment Solution is ideal for businesses in the manufacturing, oil and gas, logistics and shipping, energy, utilities, and mining industries, as well as for campus and K12 environments and public safety and federal government agencies.

We use the latest technology and industry best practices to ensure that your LTE or Private 5G Network is always performing at its best. Our on-premises deployment ensures that your business has complete control and privacy over your network, which means you’ll experience faster connectivity and improved security.

With our LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment Solution, you’ll be able to take advantage of the latest wireless technology and stay ahead of the competition. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that your LTE or Private 5G Network is designed to meet your specific needs and provide the best possible connectivity for your business.

Private 5G
LTE & Private 5G
LTE & Private 5G on Prem Deployment

Key Benefits

The benefits of LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment include:

    1. Improved network security: By having their own dedicated network infrastructure, organizations can better control access to their network and protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.
    2. Increased network performance: By having a dedicated network, organizations can optimize their network resources and improve network performance. This can result in faster network speeds, lower latency, and reduced network congestion.
    3. Better support for advanced applications: By leveraging the capabilities of Private 5G technology, organizations can better support advanced applications such as IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality.
    4. Cost savings: By having their own network infrastructure, organizations can reduce their dependence on public networks and potentially save money on network usage fees.
    5. Greater network control: By having their own network infrastructure, organizations can have greater control over their network performance and can customize their network to meet their specific needs.

In conclusion, LTE and Private 5G on Prem Deployment offer organizations a way to improve their network performance, security, and reliability by having their own dedicated cellular network infrastructure. As Private 5G technology continues to evolve, it is likely that more organizations will look to this deployment model to take advantage of the benefits it offers.

Are you ready?

Upgrade your network infrastructure with LTE and Private 5G on Prem. Unleash the power of advanced connectivity!

Wireless Services
Connect with Confidence

Fixed Wireless Services

Clover IQ offers Reliable Fixed Wireless Services that provide your business with high-speed connectivity and flexibility. Our Wireless Services are designed to be a cost-effective and reliable solution for businesses that need to connect remote or hard-to-reach locations.

Fixed Wireless Services is a type of wireless broadband service that provides high-speed internet connectivity to homes and businesses using wireless technology. Instead of relying on traditional wired connections like cable or fiber, It use wireless communication to deliver internet access. This type of service is becoming increasingly popular, especially in rural areas where wired connections may not be available or feasible.

Why Clover IQ?

Customized Fixed Wireless Solution

Our team of experts will assess your business needs, design and deploy a customized fixed wireless solution, and provide ongoing support and maintenance. Our Wireless Services are ideal for businesses in the manufacturing, oil and gas, logistics and shipping, energy, utilities, and mining industries, as well as for campus and K12 environments and public safety and federal government agencies.

With our Fixed Wireless Services, you’ll experience fast and reliable connectivity based on 5G or Wi-Fi 6, even in areas where traditional wired connections are not available or feasible. We use the latest technology and industry best practices to ensure that your fixed wireless connection is always performing at its best, and we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your business stays connected.

Our Wireless Services are designed to be flexible and scalable, so you can easily adjust your connection as your business needs change. Whether you need to connect a single remote site or multiple locations across a wide area, we can design a fixed wireless solution that meets your specific needs.

Fixed Wireless Services
Wireless Services
Fixed Wireless Solutions

Key Benefits

The benefits of Our Wireless Services include:

  1. Increased internet access: Fixed Wireless Services can provide internet access to areas that may not have access to traditional wired connections. This can help bridge the digital divide and provide greater access to educational, healthcare, and other essential services.
  2. Fast speeds: It can deliver high-speed internet access, comparable to traditional wired connections. This can enable users to stream videos, download files, and perform other data-intensive activities.
  3. Reduced costs: It can be less expensive to install and maintain compared to traditional wired connections. This can result in lower costs for both providers and users.
  4. Easy installation: Fixed Wireless Services can be quickly and easily installed, without the need for extensive infrastructure or construction.
  5. No Addtional Subscription Cost: Fixed wireless also eliminates any subscription costs that users may have for 100s of IOT devices from service providers
  6. Scalability: It can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing needs. This can make it a flexible option for businesses and organizations that may have varying levels of internet usage.
  7. Reliable connectivity: Fixed Wireless Services can provide reliable internet connectivity, even in areas where traditional wired connections may be prone to outages or disruptions.
  8. Improved mobility: It can provide users with greater mobility compared to traditional wired connections. This can enable users to stay connected while on the go, or in areas where wired connections may not be available.

In conclusion, Fixed Wireless Services offer several benefits, including increased internet access, fast speeds, reduced costs, easy installation, scalability, reliable connectivity, and improved mobility. As the demand for high-speed internet access continues to grow, it is likely that Fixed Wireless Services will become an increasingly important option for delivering internet connectivity.

Are you ready?

Experience lightning-fast connectivity with our fixed wireless services.