What is Private 5G and how does it benefit you as compared to Public 5G Network ?

There is a lot of buzz out there regarding private 5G and it’s important for technology leaders to understand the technology behind it so that it can be harnessed to benefit their organization. So, what is private 5G? Let’s first start with what is a cellular network. A cellular network is a type of wireless network that is used for mobile communications. It covers a defined geographic area and provides wireless connectivity to various devices that can move within that area. Cellular networks as we come to hear and use in our daily lives have transformed exponentially from 1st generation which was analog voice only to the latest 5th Generation or 5G which provides unique benefits optimized for enterprises such as low latency and high data rates. Private 5G is a dedicated cellular network based on 5th generation wireless technology that is designed to serve a single organization, such as a corporation or government agency. It is not available to the public and is typically operated on premises or within a specific geographical location. Private 5G networks are built on the same technology as public 5G networks, but they are tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization that is using them. The main difference between private 5G and public 5G is the level of control and security that is offered. Public 5G networks are operated by telecommunication companies and are available to the general public. They are designed to serve a large number of users in a wide range of locations. As a result, public 5G networks are often congested, and users may experience slow speeds and dropped connections. Private 5G networks, on the other hand, are not congested because they are dedicated to serving a single organization. This means that users of private 5G networks can expect faster and more reliable network connections. Additionally, private 5G networks offer higher levels of security and privacy compared to public 5G networks. Key Benefits of a Private 5G Network Private 5G networks can provide several benefits to enterprises and would be tailored according to the industry vertical and end use case.
    1. Enhanced network security: As the private 5G network is isolated from the public internet, it provides an additional layer of security. In a 5G network only those devices can connect to the network that are preauthorized with an SIM/E-SIM (Subscriber Identity Module). Only those devices that access a SIM card or E-SIM can connect and each SIM is unique. When there 100s of devices are connected to an enterprise network, data security is very important.
    2. Better control: Private 5G networks allow enterprises to have more control over their network infrastructure, which can help them optimize network performance. Network operators can change Quality of Service per application per device something that is not available over public 5G. This is extremely when working latency sensitive applications and congestion in the network and can cause monetary or human loss. Worker safety is one of the use cases where latency sensitive applications need to trigger alarms as the environment variables change rapidly.
    3. Improved reliability: Private 5G networks can provide more reliable connectivity than public networks, which can be important for businesses that rely on consistent connectivity for mission-critical applications.
    4. Increased capacity: Private 5G networks can provide more capacity than public networks, which can be useful for businesses that need to support many devices or applications. Enterprises can save costs on multiple subscriptions by only having a single or dual internet connection. Public 5G can be used as a backup internet connection.
    5. Lower latency: Private 5G networks can provide lower latency than public networks, which can be important for real-time applications like remote surgery or autonomous vehicles.
    6. Improved efficiency: Private 5G networks can help enterprises optimize their operations, reduce downtime, and increase productivity through improved automation and real-time data transfer as the network would directly connect to your datacenter and QoS would be set accordingly.
With private 5G, organizations have more control over their network infrastructure. They can customize their network to meet their specific needs, such as deploying sensors and other IoT devices. This level of control also allows organizations to better manage their network traffic and allocate bandwidth where it is needed most. This can lead to more efficient operations and cost savings. This is not possible with public 5G as enterprises will be sharing radio resources with multiple users. In conclusion, private 5G networks offer several benefits compared to public 5G networks. They offer faster and more reliable network connections, higher levels of security and privacy, and more control over network infrastructure. As 5G technology continues to evolve, it is likely that more organizations will adopt private 5G networks to meet their specific needs.

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